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Corporate Communication Map

Autorenbild: Lars M. HeitmüllerLars M. Heitmüller

Aktualisiert: 30. Juli 2024

The idea and prototype of the map were developed by Lars M. Heitmüller, Head of Business Development at fischerAppelt AG, who taught the course at HTW-Berlin . The following Master students contributed to the composition of the Corporate Communication Map: Robin Ahle, Robert Deutsch, Pamela Hönniger, Tobias Raspe, Christian Rietz, Elena Starmühler, Sebastian Schellenberger, Daniela Voigt-Schmidt and Bianca Weyer.

Special thanks go to Lars Fischer, Silvia Grätz, Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Claudia Mast, Prof. Dr. Miriam Meckel, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Molthagen-Schnöring, Prof. Danny Moss, Prof. Dr. Olaf Hoffjann and Alexander Schapers for their advice and support. This map is meant to be the start of a dialogue – not its end.

Aim of this map is to provide a visual overview about corporate communication, a kind of ‘Corporate Communication Framework’. Via mouse click (on page 13), the map jumps to the embedded models and sources. The Pre-Beta release is the result of an “experiment” initiated by Lars M. Heitmüller (fischerAppelt AG) during the winter semester 2012/2013 of the Master of Arts in Business Communications Management program of Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (University of Applied Sciences) in Berlin.

The Corporate Communication Map is meant as a living document. Therefore, we are happy about your feedback. Theoretical approaches to corporate communications are versatile – the field appears to be divided into different schools, perspectives and language areas. Aim of this map is to fill a gap. In a time in which in corporate communications “key words and new terms…(…)….are almost inflationary circulated” (Mast, 2010) the following work is an attempt to organize the Babylonian jumble of terms within the field of corporate communication by creating a visual summary, a ‘Corporate Communication Framework’.

It provides an overview and contextualizes theories in relation to another. This corporate communication map is an attempt to provide a comprehensive overview and is navigable via mouse clicks in the pdf. The models and sources are embedded in the document and lead via links to further information on the internet. However, it remains a living document and open invitation for further dialogue and deliberation. Therefore, it neither claims to be complete nor final. It is designed to be a constantly developing communication overview.

The Corporate Communication Map (COMMAP) should be seen as a navigation tool for those, who already work in the area of corporate communications or aspire to do so in future – a visual toolbox for the counseling practice. The present version of the map is the result of an “experiment” conducted during the winter semester 2012/2013 of the Master of Arts in Business Communications Management program of Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (University of Applied Sciences) in Berlin.

We are curious to get your feedback!

Thank you in advance.

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